25 Apr Noxious Weed Abatement Spraying, Reno/Sparks NV
Below is a list of some of the following noxious weeds Progressive Pest Managment treats for:
Musk Thistle, Iberian Starthistle, Diffuse Knapweed, Spotted Knapweed, Malta Starthistle, Russian Knapweed, Yellow Starthistle, Squarrose Knapweed, Rush Skeletonweed, Canada Thistle, Common Crupina, Scotch Thistle, Houndstongue, Hoary Cress, White Top, Dyer’s Woad, Pepperweed, Austrian Fieldcress, St. Johnswort, Leafy Spurge, Camelthorn, Eurasian Watermilfoil infestation, Hydrilla, Mediterranean Sage, Purple Loosestrife, Fountain grass flower-Purple Cultivar, Medusahead, Sulfur Cinquefoil, Giant Salvinia, Dalmatian Toadflax, Yellow Toadflax, Saltcedar, African Rue, Syrian Beancaper.
Noxious weeds are greatly impacting Nevada’s natural and economic resources. Land owners struggle to protect their lands from becoming upproductive and wildlife unfriendly. Control and management is the easiest and least expensive during the first two stages and difficult to impossible in during the last and most expensive.
The key to control is to identify potentional weed infestations at a very early stage and then eradicate them to prevent them to spread.
For a FREE ESTIMATE or for more information call
Progressive Pest Management, LLC 775-322-7378
Pre-Emergent’s, Post-Emergent’s, Ground Sterilizations
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